School Board

As an Independent Public School (IPS), our School Board actively works alongside the Principal and administration to initiate, monitor and review the school’s strategic direction. The Board’s activities have included reviewing the current Business Plan, school data and policies, endorsing the Annual Report and monitoring the school’s budget.

Our Board

The Board comprises 12 members, including six school community representatives, five staff members and a representative from the P&C.


Board Members

Jane Caforio

Board Chair

Jane Rowlands


Marcus Dabner

Parent Representative

Michelle Pedlow

Parent Representative

Gemma Cronan

Staff Representative

Jemima Salisbury

Staff Representative

Bec Hunt

P&C President

Alice Mills

Parent Representative

Sarah Lambert

Parent Representative

Mary Richards

Parent Representative

Looking forward, a significant responsibility for the Board will be to develop, finalise, endorse and monitor the 2021-2023 Business Plan as the school’s new strategic direction and to prepare for an external review in 2021.

The Independent Primary School initiative is founded on empowered school communities by giving them greater capacity to shape the ethos, priorities and directions of their schools. As an Independent Public School, we assume greater responsibility for our own affairs and have greater flexibility to respond to our community and the needs of our students.

In general, terms the School Board participates fully in:

  • endorsing the Delivery and Performance Agreement;
  • endorsing and regularly reviewing the one-line school budget and business plan;
  • processes to review the school ‘s performance through receiving regular reports and data on student achievement;
  • processes to determine satisfaction levels of parents, staff and students during the life of the DPA, with results reported in the annual school report;
  • endorsing the annual school report;
  • selecting the principal when a vacancy arises;
  • and to promote the school and form relationships that may assist in improving the performance of the students and the quality of the learning.

Our School Board is now actively working alongside the School’s administration to develop whole-of-school policies and strategies for the benefit of all students and the wider school community.

Guiding Documents

Meetings and Minutes School Board meets twice each term, usually in weeks four and nine. Any Floreat Park Primary School parent or caregiver is welcome to raise a matter for consideration on the Board’s meeting agenda, in accordance with the School Board and School Community Communication Guidelines. Items are required to be put forward to the Board Secretary in writing, by email, at least two (2) weeks prior to the published Board meeting schedule. An Open Public Meeting, to which all members of the school community are welcome, is scheduled in term 3. Meeting dates and minutes for 2019 are provided below:

2024 Board Meeting Dates

Term 2 – Tuesday 14 May
Term 2 – Tuesday 11 June
Term 3 – Tuesday 27 August
Term 4 – Tuesday 29 October


Board Minutes